Be a guest writer for MfG Family


By on November 28, 2016

By Steve Schramm

As Christians, we are faced with new challenges, hardships, and struggles each day. Some of these we had been expecting and others came unexpectedly. None of these, however, alter the role that we as husbands and fathers must take concerning our families. In fact, these newfound challenges ought only to toughen us up and better equip us to lead our homes.

Being an American, there is a Presidential election that is fresh on my mind. I will not give my opinion on the way it turned out, because frankly, my concerns have been the same all along – no matter which way the election swung. To that end, I have been praying and asking God to show me what my responsibility is to my family during these uncertain times. Somehow, I must be strong and keep the faith, and show them that there is a way that is righteous – all while realizing that we live in a world that has grown cold to the things of God, and frankly – wants nothing to do with Him.

“If you want to preach the gospel to your wife and to your children, then die.” – Doug Wilson

I love my family and I want the best for them. Most of all, I want what God wants for them. In asking God how I should best lead my home during these difficult times, He showed me the following three truths from His Word. I hope they will be as much a blessing to you as they have been to me.

#1. We are to lead with our God-given authority.

Ephesians 5:23 – “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.”

I think one thing that ALL guys appreciate is clear, easy to follow instructions. I believe that is what has been laid out before us here. This is no time to couch down. Women are being put on a pedestal now in this world. I am not a feminist, and I have no problems at all with the equal rights of women. That said, the Bible is very clear about a woman’s position in the home, and to that extent, the children’s position as well. More on that later. Guys – let’s step it up. Not in a controlling way, but in a loving way! Let’s show our spouse that truly, we love her enough to want to lead our home in the way God intended. Just as Christ heads up the church, so do we head up our homes. The uncertainly of times does not change this at all – in fact, if anything, it amplifies it! Women need to feel secure. Nothing makes them feel more secure than when their husband is around, and nothing makes them feel less secure than when he is gone. God has graciously given us the authority and the ability to lead our homes well. Let’s do our best not to let him or our families down.

#2. We are to lead with the love of Christ.

Ephesians 5:25 – “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;”

Here we have yet another comparison with Christ. Notice how the pattern for the home is almost identical to the pattern for the church! If that is true, then we ought to be very careful not to become like the church at Ephesus which had left their first love. The entirety of our physical and emotional love should be directed at our spouse. Notice in the verse – Christ not only loved the church, but He gave Himself for it. How should we interpret that? Simply speaking – Christ died for the church! Allow me to draw your attention to the quote by Doug Wilson above. If you want to get the gospel to your spouse and your children, you must die to yourself.
Christ has given you a responsibility to manage something bigger and greater than yourself – your household! Again we see that during uncertain times this should not change. If anything, your love should be deeper and stronger than ever before. Show your family that though the world we live in could care less about them, they have a husband and father that loves them unconditionally and fiercely. More than that, show them that they have a Heavenly Father who loves them even more than you do! That is leading with the love of Christ.

#3. We are to lead with reproof and correction.

Hebrews 12:9 – “Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?”

This passage in Hebrews deals with the correction and chastening by the hand of our Heavenly Father. The reality is that once we have accepted Him we have become one of His sons. Because He is the authority, and because He loves us, He reproves, rebukes, chastens, and corrects us. We need to do the same for our families in both the good times and bad. The sad truth today is that even our educational systems are doing their best to promote an agenda that does not include God. Though we try to raise our kids in the way that is right, they are hammered with teaching every day in our schools and universities that seeks to give them a humanistic, worldly point of view. That is why it is so important that we must point out wrong when we see it, rebuke bad behavior when it creeps into the lives of our family members, and show them the right path.

I believe every father ought to learn Christian apologetics to the best of their ability. We know God on a personal level, but when our kids come home with questions about what they heard in school, gone are the days when “the Bible tells me so” is a sufficient answer for them.

Of course – we know that is STILL the answer. But we must understand on an intellectual level that our children need answers to their questions. They need to be shown that God’s way is the only way and that we must follow Him and Him alone in order to be saved.

To leave you with a final thought, I’ll quote the words of John who said, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” I can’t imagine any greater accomplishment as a man than to lead my home in a way that results in my children walking in the same Truth that I do. During uncertain times, we must keep the faith so that the Faith continues on into the next generation, and for generations to come.

img_13001Steve Schramm is a preacher, writer, and the founder of Workman Today. He helps others navigate the daily Christian life with practical thoughts, ideas, and concepts birthed in the Word of God. Steve is also an avid musician and technologist and enjoys spending time with his wife, two kids, and four dogs. His blog and podcast can be found at