Lifestyle Love Life

Oh hey, Courage.

By on November 19, 2015

I watched a group of  young people protesting this week. They staged a sit-in in a very public place and began to speak with boldness about the issues they were facing. They were there for hours.  The leaders spoke with ardor and resolve– and they were fearless.  Some stood on tables and some sat quietly holding hands, yet all displayed a resolute unity that resonated with protests past. They demanded to be heard and refused to leave until the highest local authority was forced to give ear. It was a truly magnificent display that I found both inspiring and convicting.

As I left the protest, I found myself pondering the magnitude of what I had just seen.  Watching these individuals brought an uneasy feeling to my gut that, at first, I could not place.  Then it hit me. The feeling was like running into an once-very-close yet now distant friend. Someone that I thought I would always be close with, but had lost touch with through changing seasons of life. That someone was a more passionate, more courageous… me.

I remember as a young man feeling as though I could do anything. If I saw a fence I would jump it with out a thought. I tried to pick up cars. I jumped off rooftops. I never backed down from a fight. I even joked that I would fight Mike Tyson for the right amount of money.  When I recommitted myself to God, I shared my faith boldly. I strived to live passionately for God despite my weaknesses and flaws (and they were many).

I never thought through most of those things I just acted or reacted. Whatever the result, good or bad, I was willing to jump in. It was the opportunity to apply courage that excited me and drove me forward. Yet somewhere along the way that changed. I don’t remember when or where it happened. I just know it did.

So what happens to the passion and courage that is so often associated with youth? Do those attributes emerge only to push us forward through the tempestuousness of youth and young adulthood? Then, having served that purpose, do courage and passion lie dormant only to resurface when we become old enough to no longer care what people think?  Or do we get older and wiser and more able to assess the risk of the actions we take? Or is it that we just get scared? While the answers are different for every one, I suspect these are the questions we must ask ourselves..

Nevertheless, however we got here, one thing rings clear–We must return to courage. Our world needs it and our faith requires it.


My favorite definition of courage explains it this way: Courage is not the absence of fear but the is the ability to act despite your fears. It’s the pushing past the hesitation for something bigger than the moment itself. The opportunities to act courageously are still there but now they require more than impulse. Courage requires a choice and a decision to act.

Look around you in your daily life.  What will it take for you to stand up for what you believe in on your job.  What will it take for you to stop going with the flow of mediocrity. Where are those areas that require courage in our lives today?

Be Blessed,


Questions for consideration:

What are the barriers to acting with courage?

What are you biggest fears and how have they held you back?

What fears are you willing to confront this week and how will you do it?

Are there certain areas where you struggle with courage?

What is one courageous act that you can do this week?

Share your thoughts and responses below and let the discussion begin!


November 19, 2015