Faith Love Life

God’s Masterpiece

By on January 25, 2016

The following is guest post by Ben Erickson taken from his book Tell Them They are Chosen: A Strategy for Mentoring, Parenting, Teaching, Coaching, Leading and Ministry.

NEWFRONT5x8What is our purpose in this life we lead? What are we called to do? Can I really find meaning and joy beyond just trying to simply survive?

We have several calls in our lives. Our greatest calls are to . . .
To love God with all you have
To love your neighbor as yourself

These are universal. They are the same for each of us.

There is a third call and it is different. It is for us alone! We have a life purpose that God has created us specifically to accomplish.

“For we are God’s masterpiece, He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

Your life purpose; can you see it? Can you bring it into focus? Seeing this future vision doesn’t always happen overnight. It could take twenty years or more. Abraham and Moses were eighty years old when they heard the call from God. God is at work here and He is changing you, readying you, for the job that He has for you. It requires listening to God. It entails responding to God’s prompts. It means taking steps of faith and listening some more.

We need to discover who we are, how we are each a masterpiece of God’s creative genius. He has things for us to do and he has given us the tools to do them.

What are my aptitudes, my strengths, my gifts, my passions? How has my life to this point prepared me for this? Are there future experiences that will further prepare me? Has God given me a dream for this future? Has He given me a burden for a certain situation, a certain people, a certain place? Have I found joy when I have responded to those burdens?

N. T. Wright says that we need to . . .

“Listen to the prophetic call of God, and to the pain of the present world, and to live at the point of intersection between the two.” Mark for Everyone (a commentary) on Mark 6:7-13
Another way to say this is . . .
“Vision is where your place of deepest joy intersects with your best hope for humanity.”

To Envision means to picture something mentally; to see it in your mind’s eye.

To Envision . . .
Seeing how you are uniquely created.
Knowing God’s specific purpose for your life.
Meeting the “pain of this present world” with all the gifts that God has given you.
Seeing and feeling the blessings and joy in you and others.

Now envision this for each follower of Christ!


benBen Erickson has a B.A. in history and education from Pacific Lutheran University (1969) and a Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of Puget Sound (1989). He is a certified Life Breakthrough Coach through the Life Breakthrough Academy. Ben and his high school sweetheart, Marqua, have been married since 1967. They have two grown daughters who have given them five amazing granddaughters.

For more information about how to purchase Tell Them They are Chosen: A Strategy for Mentoring, Parenting, Teaching, Coaching, Leading and Ministry. Click the link!

For more info about Ben Erickson or to connect with his coaching services go